John Welch interviews the Lead Flight Director of NASA's Curiosity

John C. Welch of got the chance to interview David Oh, the Lead Flight Director of NASA's Curiosity mission. Some of the topics discussed are:

  • Engineering and construction of the Curiosity Rover
  • Living on Mars time
  • Media and social media response to Curiosity
  • IT used at NASA in general and by the Curiosity staff in particular
  • Preparing the mission and the technology used
  • Relevance of space programs and continued funding
  • Star Trek, astronomy and NASA

Definitely worth a listen.

Oh and if you think you might enjoy a couple of intelligent people call out Apple-related stupidity in the tech press once a week, you should subscribe to the Angry Mac Bastards podcast. It's one of my two favourite shows but not for the faint of heart; the guys and gals don't mince words, so consider yourselves warned.

Alex Hoffmann @mangochutney